Allison Hunter, Honey Bee, video still, 2011, stereoscopic 3D video, color, sound, approx. 10 minutes
3D screening of Allison Hunter's Honey Bee, an experimental video exploring the Western honey bee that combines both actual and computer-constructed 3D footage, is scheduled for August 23rd at the Texas Learning and Computation Center (TLC2) Visualization Theater, University of Houston.
Hunter's video was produced as part of the 2010-2011 University of Houston and TLC2 Artist in Residence program that selects artists who blend art and science and developed to further interdisciplinary research and education.
Open House and Screening in 3D
August 23, 3:00 - 6:00 pm
University of Houston
TLC2 3D Theatre
Hoffman Hall
2nd Floor, Room 216
Houston, TX (directions)
Free and open to the public