William Lamson just returned from South America where he produced a compelling and fun new body of work titled Automatic with subsections titled Sea Drawings, Molino Drawings, Kite Drawings, Tree Drawings, etc... Beautiful visuals touched by whimsy and grounded by serious purpose have come to define Lamson's art. (Thanks to the blog Heading East for posting the story)
In these new Automatic works, Lamson fashions mechanisms and temporary structures to make use of natural phenomena to execute (automatic) drawings in his absence.

Tree Drawing Apparatus - January 25-26, 2009
It is a fascinating concept to conceive a work of art while asleep.
(in this case, a drawing, detail pictured below)
In these new Automatic works, Lamson fashions mechanisms and temporary structures to make use of natural phenomena to execute (automatic) drawings in his absence.

Tree Drawing Apparatus - January 25-26, 2009
It is a fascinating concept to conceive a work of art while asleep.
(in this case, a drawing, detail pictured below)
For further information and available work please contact Marty Walker Gallery and to view additional video and photography visit the artist's website: www.williamlamson.com.