Friday, May 29, 2009


Opening reception tonite, Friday, May 29 at Pierogi Gallery in Brooklyn, William Lamson's solo exhibition "Work and Trade" features projects in which the artist creates a mark-making system with a makeshift apparatus consisting of a ceiling fan, string, a balloon, and a marker, to create "automatic" drawings. Visitors are invited to offer Lamson a trade to be displayed in the gallery as part of the exhibition in exchange for a drawing of their choice. Among the trades is a cast dog skull, a Fabio CD, a watercolor painting, a MACRODON, and various other oddities. For further documentation of Lamson's trades, check out the "Work and Trade" blog.

Also on view is Lamson's "Automatic", a documentation of drawing projects made during Lamson's travels in South America that employ natural forces of wind and the ocean to power various makeshift drawing devices. And, in the two-channel video "Hunt and Gather" Lamson performs urban interventions in NYC, involving sneakers, a bicycle, a ladder, and a bow and arrow... connect the dots, and check out the exhibition!

For more info, available work, or to view the artist's video work, please contact Marty Walker Gallery.