Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TED KINCAID in D magazine

"Picture perfect: Kincaid’s art is based on a photograph’s ability to lie." -Laura Kostelny, D Magazine

Ted Kincaid in his studio - photographed by James Bland

Ted Kincaid appears in the current issues of D Home (March '09) & D Magazine (April '09) along with several local artists, photographed by James Bland.

“I remember seeing a picture of Big Foot on In Search Of… with Leonard Nimoy. I loved the fact that you could have a photograph of something that never existed. People think of photographs as factual, but they really are as subjective as anything else.” -Ted Kincaid

Visit D's sharp new website
or pick up these magazines now to see the photographs and read the article, or CLICK HERE for a PDF of the article.