Lamson during performance at the Efroymson Family Entrance Pavilion,
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana, April 7, 2011
Lamson extensively explored the tower's sound-making possibilities with unconventional audio devices in his studio in Brooklyn, then transported and installed the piece at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, giving a sound performance during his artist talk on April 7.

Lamson using electric guitar pickup to generate sound during performance

The combination of tower engineering, radio waves, and sound-generating devices "make apparent the unseen forces that surround us, as a radio signal (also linked with the weather) is made audible and tactile through the vibrations in the tower," Amanda York of Indianapolis Museum of Art (link to full article).

Radio tower construction, Pierogi Boiler Space, Brooklyn, New York
On view through August 28, 2011
Efroymson Family Entrance Pavilion
4000 Michigan Road
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Images courtesy of Indianapolis Museum of Art